Drug resistant and multidrug resistant tuberculosis is a consequence of human activity. Resistant strains of M. tuberculosis are mainly prevalent in regions with weak national TB programs or poor socioeconomic environment. Therefore an effective surveillance of the resistance patterns of TB bacilli is an essential tool for the quality of tuberculosis control programs and a demanding task in all countries. Surveillance of tuberculosis in Croatia is based on individual notifications of every newly diagnosed patient by the physicians, followed by laboratory notifications. Data are collected at the Epidemiology Service, National Institute of Public Health Tuberculosis Register (TR). TR is part of the World Health Organization informational system and Surveillance of Tuberculosis in Europe (EuroTB). The results of the ten-year surveillance of the prevalence of drug resistant (5.7%) and multidrug resistant (1.6%) tuberculosis show that Croatia has a favorable situation which should be kept up strictly following the measures of the national TB program.