Mosaicism for trisomy 20 is generally ascertained following prenatal sampling and rarely is associated with significant phenotypic abnormalities. Uniparental disomy for chromosome 20 in the euploid lines has been found in several cases, which showed relatively mild clinical features, primarily growth delay. Here we report on a case of mosaic trisomy 20 in a child with normal neurologic development who was ascertained because of multiple physical anomalies including spinal segmentation anomalies and altered skin pigmentation. Trisomic cells were found in buccal epithelial cells and in cultured skin fibroblasts but not in peripheral blood. Molecular analysis of blood cells, fibroblasts, and parental cells gave evidence of a maternal meiosis II error as the cause of the trisomy. Disomic cells presumably arose through trisomy rescue, and no evidence was found for uniparental disomy in these cells.
(c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.