Objectives: To review the records of 29 dogs diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism and see if any factors correlate with renal failure.
Methods: Dogs were selected retrospectively from case files from the QVSH and the QMH.
Results: The majority of dogs were middle-aged and four were keeshonds. The primary presenting complaints were polyuria and polydipsia. All dogs had an elevated total and ionised plasma calcium concentration. Plasma phosphate concentrations were variable. Ultrasonography of the parathyroid gland revealed nodular enlargement which was found to correlate well with surgical findings. The majority of dogs underwent surgical parathyroidectomy. Five cases were treated by ultrasound-guided chemical ablation of the parathyroid gland, of which only two cases showed a partial response. Three dogs were euthanased within a week of presentation. Seven other dogs had renal failure diagnosed either at presentation or up to six months after parathyroidectomy. The development of renal failure was correlated with total calcium concentration but did not correlate with any other factor, including the calcium phosphate product. Thirteen treated dogs were known to be alive at the time of writing, which was six months to 3.5 years after parathyroidectomy.
Clinical significance: Primary hyperparathyroidism cases with high total calcium were more likely to develop renal failure in this group of dogs; however, the calcium phosphate product did not seem to be a useful predictor. Ultrasound-guided chemical ablation seemed to have limited advantage over surgery.