Background: There is uncertainty about whether physician specialty influences the outcomes of outpatients with congestive heart failure after adjustment for differences in case mix. Our objective was to determine the impact of physician specialty on outcomes in outpatients with new-onset congestive heart failure.
Methods: The study was a population-based retrospective cohort study involving patients with new-onset congestive heart failure discharged from 128 acute care hospitals in Alberta between Apr. 1, 1998, and July 1, 2000. Outcomes were resource utilization (clinic visits, emergency department visits and hospital admissions) and survival at 30 days and 1 year.
Results: A total of 3136 patients were discharged from hospital with a new diagnosis of congestive heart failure (median age 76 years, 50% men). Of these, 1062 (34%) received no follow-up visits for cardiovascular care, 738 (24%) were seen by a family physician (FP) alone, 29 (1%) by a specialist (cardiologist or general internist) alone and 1307 (42%) by both a specialist and an FP. Compared with patients who received no follow-up cardiovascular care, patients who received regular cardiovascular follow-up visits with a physician had fewer visits to the emergency department (38% v. 80%), fewer were admitted to hospital (13% v. 94%), and the adjusted 1-year mortality was lower (22% v. 37%) (all p < 0.001). Compared with patients who received combined specialist and FP care, patients cared for exclusively by FPs had fewer outpatient visits (median 9 v. 17 in the first year), fewer of these patients presented to the emergency department (24% v. 45% in the first year), and fewer were readmitted for cardiovascular care (7% v. 16%) (all p < 0.001). However, the adjusted mortality at 1 year was lower among patients treated with combined care (17% v. 28%, p < 0.001) despite a higher burden of comorbidities. In a multivariate model adjusting for comorbidities (with no cardiovascular follow-up visits as the reference category), the mortality was lower among patients followed on an outpatient basis by an FP alone (odds ratio [OR] 0.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.53-0.82) or by an FP and a specialist (OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.28-0.42). In a proportional hazards model with time-dependent covariates (with adjustment for frequency of follow-up visits), the risk of all-cause mortality was reduced significantly (hazard ratio 0.98, 95% CI 0.97- 0.99) with each specialist visit compared with FP care alone.
Interpretation: Patients with congestive heart failure followed by both specialists and FPs had significantly better survival than those followed by FPs alone (or those who received no specific cardiovascular follow-up care). Methods to improve timely and appropriate access to specialists and to improve collaborative care structures are needed.