Objective: To evaluate the first and second assay kits currently used in blood centers for screening HCV infected blood, and to provide basis for a better match of the two assay kits.
Methods: Using the newly developed multi-recombinant-HCV-antigen supplementary assay kit, the authors evaluated concurrently the specificity and sensitivity of two domestic and one imported anti-HCV detection kits.
Results: Discrepancy in specificity and sensitivity existed among the two domestic HCV kits, and overall quality was slightly below that of leading or main stream imported HCV kit.
Conclusion: The newly developed multi-recombinant-HCV-antigen supplementary assay kit is useful in the evaluation of HCV antibody detection kit currently in use. It provides qualified assessing kit to capture antibodies against various HCV antigens. The present paper provided guidance for selecting a better match of the two screening kits and improved screening efficiency.