Interfacial scattering at electrochemically fabricated atom-scale junctions between thin gold film electrodes in a microfluidic channel

Anal Chem. 2005 Jan 1;77(1):243-9. doi: 10.1021/ac040134l.


Atom-scale junctions were formed between two Au thin-film electrodes by a combination of lithography, microfluidics, and electrochemistry. Two Au thin-film electrodes with a small (0.25-25 microm) gap between them were lithographically defined such that the gap fell in the center of a 100-microm-wide microfluidic channel in poly(dimethylsiloxane). Directional electrodeposition between the Au thin-film electrodes, accomplished by applying a potential between the thin-film electrodes, caused Au to etch from the anode and deposit on the cathode, thereby closing the gap. Current through the gap was monitored continuously, and the directional electrodeposition was terminated when a current near that corresponding to the conductance quantum, G(0) = 2e(2)/h, was reached. To regenerate the device, the atom-scale junction was broken with a potential sweep, the microfluidic channel was rinsed, and the junction was re-formed with a subsequent comparator-terminated directional electrodeposition. Alternating current impedance was measured while hexadecanethiol (HDT) was chemisorbed onto the atom-scale junction. The interfacial scattering from chemisorption of the Lewis base HDT on the atom-scale junction caused a normalized impedance change of 71 +/- 1%, the noise level being equivalent to a population fluctuation of five HDT molecules.