Increasing motorization leads to bleak projections for the future of road safety in many low- and middle-income countries. World Bank extrapolations suggest that between 2000 and 2020, road traffic deaths will decline by nearly 30% in high-income countries but will increase by upto 87% in low- and middle-income countries. The World report on road traffic injury prevention aims to raise awareness about the issue of road safety, and contribute to a shift in thinking about the nature of the problem of road traffic injury prevention, and appreciate the importance of road traffic injuries as a public health issue. South Asia currently faces an enormous challenge in this regard. However, Asian governments and stakeholders are now taking positive steps as they are aware that urgent action is needed. The responsibility for this problem needs to be shared among sectors, with public health taking an active role to end the carnage. The time for action is now. Partnerships and a systematic approach to this problem will save lives.