Purpose: This study used an experimental arterial stenosis model in pigs to evaluate the utility of a new medium-weight MRI contrast agent, NMS60 (a synthetic oligomeric Gd complex containing three Gd(3+) atoms, molecular weight of 2158 Da) compared to Gd-DTPA for contrast-enhanced MRA.
Materials and methods: We used six male white hybrid pigs. Under anesthesia, one femoral artery was exposed and an inflatable cuff placed around it. The cuff was tightened around the vessel until 80-90% stenosis was achieved using digital subtraction angiography as a guide. Animals were then immediately transferred to the MRI scanner and images acquired pre- and postcontrast injection (0.1 or 0.2 mmol Gd/kg Gd-DTPA or NMS60, as a rapid bolus) using high-resolution and dynamic MRA.
Results: The dynamic MRA scans acquired during contrast bolus injection clearly showed the stenosed femoral artery as a segment of close to zero enhancement during the arterial phase of the bolus transit, while on the high-resolution scans the stenosis was difficult to detect due to venous signal contamination. The signal-to-noise at peak enhancement on the dynamic scans was significantly greater with 0.1 mmol Gd/kg NMS60 compared to 0.1 mmol Gd/kg Gd-DTPA (14.6 vs. 9.9, P < .05) and not significantly greater than 0.2 mmol Gd/kg (14.6 vs. 12.8).
Discussion and conclusion: This new medium-weight contrast agent demonstrated significantly greater enhancement than Gd-DTPA and may be valuable to aid detection of vascular stenosis in humans.