When no fresh frozen plasma is available, acute major blood loss is compensated above all with crystalloids, colloids and erythrocyte concentrates, meaning that all plasma clotting factors are diluted. Consumption coagulopathy is almost always accompanied by dilutional coagulopathy. Formulas for calculating critical blood loss and standard coagulation tests are often not helpful in the case of massive transfusion. On the other hand, systems suitable for point of care, such as thrombelastography, have important advantages. In the case of consumption and dilutional coagulopathy plasma coagulation is disturbed and critical values are first seen for fibrinogen. Not only is fibrin polymerization impaired by the bleeding-induced loss and dilution of fibrinogen, but also by interaction with artificial colloids, particularly hydroxyethyl starch preparations. Therapy of consumption and dilutional coagulopathy calls for fresh frozen plasma. If this is not available in sufficient quantity or within a reasonable time, coagulation factor concentrates must be used. Neither fresh frozen plasma therapy nor treatment with coagulation factor concentrates has been the subject of detailed clinical study. Further studies are needed to work out guidelines for coagulation management in the case of massive blood loss.