High-energy quasi-phase-matched optical parametric oscillation in a 3-mm-thick periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 device

Opt Lett. 2004 Nov 1;29(21):2527-9. doi: 10.1364/ol.29.002527.


We have demonstrated high-energy quasi-phase-matched optical parametric oscillation in a 3-mm-thick periodically poled 5-mol. % MgO-doped LiNbO3 device with a 32.1-microm grating period and a 30-mm length. With a large-spot-size pump laser of 2.2-mm diameter, we obtained a total output pulse energy of 22 mJ for both the signal (wavelength 1.82 microm) and the idler (2.56 microm) waves at an input pump energy of 46 mJ.