Quasi-group-velocity matching using integrated-optic structures

Opt Lett. 2004 Nov 1;29(21):2482-4. doi: 10.1364/ol.29.002482.


We propose a device to compensate for group-velocity mismatch (GVM) effects that limit the efficiency-bandwidth product in nonlinear frequency-mixing devices. Integrated wavelength-dependent delay lines are introduced periodically in a waveguide containing a series of quasi-phase-matching (QPM) gratings. Appropriate choice of the time delays can compensate for GVM. We have demonstrated a two-stage device in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide. Two approximately 150-fs-long pulses generated 6 ps apart by second-harmonic generation in two QPM gratings were resynchronized by a fixed delay line, and their relative phase was fine controlled by temperature tuning. This technique, which can be iterated to more than two segments, permits optical frequency mixers with a higher efficiency-bandwidth product than would be possible in a single grating short enough to avoid GVM effects.