Passive transfer of homologous immune serum in rabbits followed by intravitreous injection with the corresponding antigen resulted in an uveal inflammation which resembled the Arthus-type reaction. Clinically and histologically, the reaction was maximal 24 h after antigen injection. The histologically observed cell infiltration consisted predominantly of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Passive transfer of sensitized homologous thymocytes followed by intravitreous injection with the corresponding antigen resulted in an uveal inflammation which resembled the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Tissue infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells as well as mononuclear cells occurred predominantly during the first day following antigen injection. An exudate containing almost exclusively eosinophils was present in the aqueous humor and/or vitreous body of most of these rabbits. During the second day an increase in the ratio monomuclear cells/polymorphonuclear cells could be observed.