Introduction: Based on our experience with stereotactic evacuation of spontaneous supratentorial hematomas this method has also been used for evacuation of spontaneous infratentorial hematoma by the transtentorial approach.
Material and method: The authors present a series of 6 patients with spontaneous intracerebral hematomas evacuated by the frame-based stereotactic technique, with monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) during the stereotactic evacuation. This method was indicated in patients with stable neurological status according to Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), more than 10. The frame-based stereotaxy with the Riechert-Mundinger apparatus with CT localisation of target and optimal trajectory was used.
Results: The presented values after stereotactic evacuation show reduction of the initial intraparenchymal ICP in all patients to values less than 20 mmHg.
Conclusion: The measuring of the ICP and the analysis of dynamic changes during stereotactic evacuation suggest that this procedure can significantly reduce the ICP performed in connection with ICH and we believe that our results can improve management of patients with spontaneous infratentorial and supratentorial intracerebral hematoma. (Fig. 1, Ref. 21.).