Background: Stroke and its long-term neurological sequelae can be prevented by management of risk factors and seeking medical care as early as possible following the onset of stroke symptoms.
Aims: This study aimed to investigate the scope of knowledge on stroke, and to assess the perceived risk of stroke among the Israeli population.
Methods and results: A telephone survey was conducted of a sample study of 300 men and women, 40 years of age or older, that represent the Hebrew speaking population in Israel of this age range. The best known risk factor for stroke was arterial hypertension, but 24% of the study population could not spontaneously recall any risk factor. Nearly half of the study sample (46%) was aware of the fact that a healthy lifestyle may contribute to stroke prevention, but only 24% mentioned that medical follow-up and control of hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus reduce the risk of stroke. Among interviewed subjects who reported the existence of at least one risk factor of stroke, only 14% recognized that they belong to a group at risk of having a stroke. Awareness of neurological disabilities resulting from stroke was relatively high, with only 15% of responders unable to name any disability.
Conclusion: Our study demonstrates the lack of knowledge on stroke among the Israeli population. Knowledge is particularly poor regarding the possibility of stroke prevention through risk factor management, and with respect to recognition of symptoms of acute stroke. A program directed at raising the awareness and knowledge of stroke by the Israeli public is required for effective stroke prevention and therapy.