The inaugural version of the InGaP database (Integrative Gene and Protein expression database; is a comprehensive database of gene/protein expression profiles of 127 mKIAA genes/proteins related to hypothetical ones obtained in our ongoing cDNA project. Information about each gene/protein consists of cDNA microarray analysis, subcellular localization of the ectopically expressed gene, and experimental data using anti-mKIAA antibody such as Western blotting and immunohistochemical analyses. KIAA cDNAs and their mouse counterparts, mKIAA cDNAs, were mainly isolated from cDNA libraries derived from brain tissues, thus we expect our database to contribute to the field of neuroscience. In fact, cDNA microarray analysis revealed that nearly half of our gene collection is predominantly expressed in brain tissues. Immunohistochemical analysis of the mouse brain provides functional insight into the specific area and/or cell type of the brain. This database will be a resource for the neuroscience community by seamlessly integrating the genomic and proteomic information about the mouse KIAA genes/proteins.