The effects of two levels of exercise intensity on the size and location of thallium-201 defects were compared in 22 patients with known ischemic coronary artery disease. A symptom-limited incremental exercise test was performed followed (greater than 48 hours) by submaximal steady-state exercise at 70% of the peak heart rate achieved during the incremental test. Planar thallium-201 myocardial scans obtained after each protocol were analyzed by means of both visual qualitative and computerized quantitative methods. After incremental exercise all patients exhibited reversible thallium-201 defects, and submaximal exercise still resulted in reversible defects in 20 (91%) patients. However, the size of the ischemic area and the degree of ischemia were significantly reduced by both qualitative and quantitative criteria after submaximal exercise. Therefore interpretation of thallium-201 scans with regard to severity of disease and prognosis should take into account exercise intensity.