Objectives: To estimate the exact satisfaction of women toward Implanon, the sole contraceptive implant available in France. To clarify the indications of this type of contraception.
Material and method: Among a population of 182 women with Implanon" inserted in a same family planning service between May 22, 2001 and February 14, 2003, 108 women agreed to answer a questionnaire of satisfaction. Implants were inserted in one third of cases after childbirth, in another third after abortion. The average duration of use of the implant was of 16 months (2 in 24 months). Twenty-nine removals among the 108 insertions (27%) were recorded.
Results: Possibility of a long-term and easy -to-use contraception was the most common reason for choosing Implanon (74% of the women). Eighty-one percent of the women were globally satisfied with Implanon but one out of two women had side-effects. Only 62% of the women were ready to use it again. Adverse events were first, menstrual disturbance in 83% of the women, mainly amenorrhea (26%) and bleeding irregularity (40%). Bleeding irregularity was one of the main motives for discontinuing the implant in 41% of cases. Except weight gain present for 37% of patients, the other side-effects, even though they were frequent, were less often the reason for removal. Headache, acne, breast pain, mood and decreased libido were the main reasons for removal.
Conclusion: Implanon has certainly a place among current contraceptive methods. Because of the frequency raised by adverse events and by their lower tolerance in Europe, this place has to remain limited to the incapacity of classic methods. Preinsertion counseling announcing Implanon's benefit and risk effects is necessary to minimize the early discontinuation rates.