Recent studies have shown that quantification of silver-stained nucleolar organizer region associated proteins (AgNORs) is correlated with ploidy and proliferative activity in several neoplasms. The prognostic value of this marker, however, has not been well defined in epithelial ovarian carcinomas (EOCs). We studied 84 cases of EOCs in an attempt to assess the potential prognostic significance of AgNORs and to compare the results with other prognostic factors in EOCs. Clinical, operative and treatment details, and follow-up data were recorded for each case. In univariate analysis, a highly significant correlation of AgNOR count with clinical stage (p < 0.01), histologic grade (p < 0.05), response to chemotherapy (p < 0.05), and biologic behavior (p < 0.01) was found. High AgNOR counts were observed in late stage (III and IV) tumors, grade 3 carcinomas, tumors in patients with partial response to chemotherapy, progressive disease, recurrence, or death from tumor. In multivariate analysis, AgNOR count at cut off 3.5 was found to be the third prognostic variable after response to therapy and stage. These observations suggest that AgNOR count holds promise for prediction of tumor aggressiveness in EOCs. However, its role as an independent prognostic variable of patient survival remains questionable.