The development of synthetic and naturally occurring scaffolds for tissue engineering applications has included strategies to promote attachment of specific cell types, control the rate of scaffold degradation, encourage angiogenesis, or otherwise modulate the host response. We have reported that bioscaffolds developed from porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) facilitate the constructive remodeling of tissues and recruit marrow-derived cells that persist long after the acute inflammatory stages have resolved. We have not yet determined which cells are recruited, the eventual fate of these cells, or via what mechanisms the events occur. We now have analyzed various molecular weight fractions of acid-hydrolyzed SIS by both functional and morphologic methods and have determined that fraction 4 (5 to 16 kDa) possesses chemoattractant activity for primary murine adult liver, heart, and kidney endothelial cells in vitro. Addition of fraction 4 to Matrigel plugs promoted in vivo vascularization when the plugs were implanted subcutaneously in mice. These results indicate that small-molecular-weight peptides derived from the degradation of porcine SIS are biologically active in the recruitment of murine endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo.