Patients considering deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson disease (PD) may be exposed to videotapes, media coverage, or literature which show dramatic improvements in PD symptoms after surgical intervention. Based on this information, patients may seek a medical center with expertise in DBS for an evaluation and assessment of their candidacy for surgery. If patients receive a device, they may be disappointed or despondent following surgery because of a failure to achieve a preconceived and unrealistic outcome. In order to address the important issue of patient misconception of potential outcome, we have introduced a simple mnemonic device. The device may be taught and then reviewed with patients and families both before and after surgery. Use of this mnemonic device may allow the patient and family the time necessary to alter the perception of perceived benefit. This education can help to ensure that outcome meets or exceeds expectation, and as a result they become a more satisfied and easy-to-manage DBS patient.