Cortical areas participating in the preparation of voluntary movements have been studied extensively. There is emerging evidence that subcortical structures, particularly the basal ganglia, also contribute to movement preparation. The thalamus is connected to both the basal ganglia and the cerebellar pathways, but its role in movement preparation has not been studied extensively in humans. We studied seven patients who underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrode implantation in the thalamus for treatment of tremor (six patients) and myoclonus-dystonia (one patient). We recorded from the DBS contacts and scalp simultaneously, while patients performed self-paced wrist extension movements. Post-surgical MRI was used for precise localization of the DBS contacts in six patients. Back-averaging of the scalp recordings showed a slow negative movement-related potential (MRP) in all patients (onset 1846 +/- 189 ms prior to electromyography onset), whereas DBS electrode recordings showed pre-movement MRP in five out of seven patients. The thalamic MRP preceded both contralateral and ipsilateral wrist movements. There was no significant difference between the onset time of thalamic MRP (-2116 +/- 607 ms) and cortical MRP. Neither the scalp nor the thalamus showed pre-movement potentials with passive wrist extensions in two patients. In four patients with postoperative MRI who had thalamic MRP, the maximum amplitude or phase reversal occurred at contacts located in the ventral lateral nucleus. Frequency analysis was performed in the five patients with thalamic MRP. The medial frontocentral scalp contacts and the thalamic contacts with maximum MRP amplitude showed two discrete frequency bands in the alpha (mean peak 9 Hz) and beta (mean peak 17 Hz) range. Both frequency bands showed pre-movement event-related desynchronization (ERD). In the grand average, alpha and beta ERD in the scalp and beta ERD in the thalamus began 2.5-2.8 s prior to the onset of movement. However, the thalamic alpha ERD began considerably later, at 1.2 s before EMG onset. The beta band showed cortico-thalamic coherence from the beginning of the baseline period until approximately 0.5 s before the onset of movement. There was no cortico-thalamic coherence in the alpha band. Our findings suggest that the cerebellar thalamus is involved early in the process of movement preparation. Different cortico-subcortical circuits may mediate alpha and beta oscillations. During movement preparation, the motor thalamus and the supplementary motor area predominantly interact in the beta band.