We have examined 87 patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases with viral etiology and 20 healthy patients with ophthalmological, immunological and biochemical methods. It was established that liver pathology produced by hepatitis B virus give exchanges in the conjunctival and perilimbic circulation of the corneal sensitivity, retinal and optic nerve dysfunctions and also complicated cataract. Clinical symptoms in ophthalmopathology are amplify with the liver pathology progression and it is associated with the autoimmune reactions development, underlined by the antigens against eye tissues, and by the biochemical seric and local (lacrimal) parameters. The changes in eye structures were found at young and middle age patients, fact which indicate the social aspect of the problem and the necessity of their observation. In the vasoactive product "Cavinton" used in the complex treatment of the liver viral pathology it was established the possibility of pharmacologic correction of the pathologic changes in the ocular microcirculation and optic system.