Cyclic bursts of ventricular premature contractions (VPC) coming at minute-order intervals have been discerned by analyzing ambulatory ECG recordings, and their mechanism has not been clarified. The present study simulates this phenomenon by constructing a bidirectional modulated parasystole model. With Ts and Te as the intrinsic periods of the sinus and ectopic pacemakers, there are distinct and initial condition-dependent solutions in the model with Ts / Te values close to 1, 1/2, 1/4, etc. Typically, two distinct stable solutions are found existing together around Ts / Te = 1/2. We have verified theoretically the coexistence of different solutions and their dependence on the model parameters. The solution presented switches between those by a premature stimulus and those by fluctuations in the model parameters such as Ts. Patterns of RR intervals were generated by simulation with randomly fluctuating Ts. They included cyclic bursts of bigeminy of the "flat type" and the "dome type" reported by Takayanagi et al. (1999) and other transient types with Wenckebach or reverse Wenckebach rhythm of coupling intervals. This model provides a mathematical representation of the atrioventricular feedback mechanism and enables the modulated parasystole hypothesis to be applied to wider classes of VPCs.