The gram negative bacterium H. pylori infects the human stomach worldwide, invariably causing mucosal inflammation. In the majority of cases, H. pylori-associated gastritis remains the only clinical manifestation of the infection, which might cause, otherwise, peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma. or MALToma. The balance between the bacterial virulence machinery and the host response to the infection determines the different clinical outcomes. The main bacterial virulence factors comprise adhesins (BabA, SabA), the vacuolating cytotoxin VacA, and the products of cag pathogenicity island. The pattern of cytokine production in response to the infection is one of the main host determinants involved in limiting the infection outcome to gastritis or in favoring peptic ulcer or cancer onset. The polymorphisms of some cytokine genes (IL-1beta IL-1RN, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma) have been correlated with H. pylori-associated gastric adenocarcinoma or peptic ulcer, possibly because they influence the amount of cytokine production in response to H. pylori infection. This review focuses on the role of H. pylori virulence genes and on host cytokines' genes polymorphisms in determining clinical outcome to H. pylori infection.