This study uses enzymatic and mitochondrial genes to infer the relative importance of historical processes and contemporary hydrodynamic features on the observed patterns of genetic structure in subdivided populations of Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta: Pectinariidae) along the coasts of Brittany and the English Channel. Nucleotide sequence variation of a 603-bp fragment of the mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene revealed a surprisingly deep phylogeographic break of about 16% divergence separating the Brittany and Channel populations, which coincides with a biogeographic boundary along the western coast of Brittany. Deep sequence divergence with fixed haplotype differences and the inversion of allele frequencies at two enzyme loci suggests the occurrence of potential cryptic or sibling species of P. koreni. The two clades showed opposite features. Channel populations exhibited bimodal match-mismatch curves due to two highly divergent haplotypes occurring at high frequencies and no overall heterozygote deficiencies at enzyme loci, suggesting respectively, a historic secondary contact between two differentiated populations followed by contemporary panmixia. On the contrary, Brittany populations displayed unimodal curves with low nucleotide diversity and highly significant heterozygote deficiencies, probably reminiscent of a recent population expansion and recolonisation of Brittany with contemporary admixture of divergent populations.