Studies have shown that mandibular implant overdentures significantly increase satisfaction and quality of life of edentulous elders. Improved chewing ability appears to have a positive impact on nutritional state. Therefore, it is important to determine the best design of this prosthesis over the long term. In this randomized controlled trial, three groups of edentulous participants with atrophic mandibles wore 3 types of implant overdentures. During an eight-year follow-up, only seven of the 110 participants had dropped out of this study. Almost all participants were still satisfied with their overdentures. Participant satisfaction concerning retention and stability of the mandibular overdenture had decreased significantly in the two-implant ball attachment group, whereas the opinion of participants in the single- and triple-bar groups was still at the same level. The long-term results suggest that a mandibular overdenture retained by 2 implants with a single bar may be the best treatment strategy for edentulous people with atrophic ridges.