Purpose: Recently, Kruppel-like factor 6 gene (KLF6) has been shown to be inactivated in up to 77% of prostate carcinomas. KLF6 has an important role in regulating cell growth and differentiation. The function and high mutation frequency in sporadic prostate carcinomas make KLF6 an attractive candidate for prostate cancer predisposition and, therefore, DNA samples from 69 Finnish prostate cancer families were analyzed for KLF6 mutations.
Materials and methods: DNA samples from 69 Finnish prostate cancer families were screened for mutations in the KLF6 gene using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and confirmatory sequencing.
Results: In 8 (11.6%) families single-strand conformation polymorphism shifts were present. Sequencing revealed 6 201G>A (R201R) polymorphisms, as well as a -4C>A and a 956T>C alteration in the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions, respectively. Nonsense or missense mutations were not found.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that KLF6 germ-line mutations are of marginal importance in prostate cancer predisposition in Finland.