The clinical management is a type of health care service management that probably will develop in the next future. It is a powerful tool that can offer a better health assistance (in its technical, economic and patient's satisfaction components). The health manpower formation in the basic theory of clinical management is necessary today. But it is also important to establish a correct information health system previously to start any clinical management pathway. These information systems are now developed to the quantification of hospital activity, and not to clinical department level (micro-management). It is also necessary to collect indicators of clinical departments. These indicators would be relevant and we could compare them between different hospitals. The development of standarized process activity, and relevant process indicator is probably a responsibility of scientific societies in the future. Now in our country, the development and introduction of clinical management is not the same between different geographical regions, hospital and clinical departments. We think that it is necessary to use more this tool in daily clinical practice, because it is a very good opportunity to improve the quality of our health assistance.