Purpose: Previous studies of archived blood samples from nonscreened populations have shown an association between the prostate specific antigen (PSA) and the subsequent detection of prostate cancer. In the current study we evaluated the relationship between the initial screening PSA and the subsequent risk of prostate cancer detected in a prospective, longitudinal screening study. We also examined the relationship between initial PSA and the clinicopathological features of the cancers detected.
Materials and methods: Between May 1991 and November 2001 we enrolled 26,111 volunteers in our PSA and digital rectal examination based prostate cancer screening study. The men were followed biannually or annually depending on the results of previous screening tests. The chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare the clinical stage, pathological stage and Gleason score of subsequently detected prostate cancers as well as the time to cancer detection in different initial screening PSA strata.
Results: The initial screening PSA stratum was strongly associated with the subsequent detection of prostate cancer as well as the clinicopathological stage and grade of the cancers detected.
Conclusions: Even in the lower PSA ranges initial screening serum PSA can help identify men at increased risk for subsequent prostate cancer detected in a longitudinal screening study.