Of the 261 nonsyndromic patients we studied, over 90% had minimal or absent hypernasality, almost 86% had inconsistent or no nasal emission, and 95% had no articulation errors related to velar function. The patients with a Pittsburgh score indicating an incompetent velopharyngeal mechanism comprised only about 6% of the group. Ninety-four percent had a socially functional speech quality. Secondary surgery was done in 6.5% of patients and was done or was recommended in about 8% of patients. Patients with isolated cleft palate seemed to do less well, although their outcomes were not statistically different from those with complete unilateral and bilateral clefts. Relaxing incisions have kept our fistula rate to an acceptably low rate of 6.8%. No major soft palate dehiscences or hard palate flap losses have occurred. The speech outcomes we are achieving are improved over our historical results and compared with published reports using nondouble reversing z-palatoplasty techniques. Similar outcomes with the Furlow repair have been confirmed. Maxillary growth, occlusion, and the need for orthognathic surgery do not seem to be influenced by the CHOP modification of the Furlow double-opposing z-palatoplasty. These modifications facilitate a tension free-closure and a low fistula rate.