Objectives: Determine prevalence of participation and underimmunization rate in a regional immunization registry (IR) among patients presenting to a university pediatric emergency department (PED). Rate of agreement between parental report and documented immunization status was also measured.
Methods: A convenience sample of parents of patients younger than 11 years registered in the PED were approached with a short questionnaire. When informed consent was obtained, the Central New York (CNY) IR was accessed via computer to see if the child was in the registry and to ascertain if their immunizations were up-to-date (UTD). Rate of agreement between parental report and immunization status documented in the IR was calculated.
Results: 698 (97%) of 720 patients consented to participate. Of these, 235 (34%, 95% CI, 30-37) were enrolled in the IR. Eighty-five (36%, 95% CI, 30-42) enrolled patients were under age 2. Sixty-seven (29%, 95% CI, 23-34) were from private group practices, 146 (62%, 95% CI, 56-68) were from university/community health center clinics and the source of primary care for 22 patients (9%) was unknown. Only 67 (29%, 95% CI, 23-34) parents of children in the IR were aware that they were enrolled. Of IR patients, 225 (96%, 95% CI, 93-98) stated they were UTD, while only 143 (61%, 95% CI, 55-67) were documented to be so.
Conclusions: A significant number of patients seen in the PED were in the CNY IR. More than one-half of the parents of enrolled children did not recall that they had previously registered their child. Only 61% of patients were UTD, whereas parents reported that almost all were. In the PED, use of an IR would create an opportunity for intervention in a large number of patients who were not UTD.