Working as an extension of a newly developed method for a capillary electrophoretic analysis of purine nucleotides, nucleosides, bases, and catabolism, an assay of the differential metabolic properties by a novel organosiliceous anionic hydride compound, silica hydride, was evaluated with Chinese hamster ovary mitochondria using a 50-microm poly(acryloylaminopropanol)-coated, fused-silica capillary. The results of this organellar differential analysis indicate a correlation of increased redox pair of NADH to NAD(+) ratios by two times and an increase in ATP levels in the assayed mitochondria by six times. Glucose levels in the organelles were half of the original values. This study validates the electrophoretic method utilizing live organelle fractions for differential metabolic analysis and additionally illustrates some of the emerging novel properties of silica hydride. As confirmation of the results obtained in this assay, additional methods of standard protocol were used to monitor the mitochondrial metabolic activity.