Introduction: The diagnostic of the pneumonia is the problems more important for its adequate treatment and best evolution.
Objectives: To study in a prospective way the patron clinic de la NAC compared the documented with the not documented in a microbiological way. PATIENTS Y METHODS: We have studied patients with NAC hospitalized in the HUVA between January of 1991 and May of 1997. The diagnostical criterion of pneumonia and of the hospitable ingress were the classics accepted for this infections, was doing in all cases diagnostical studies not invasive. It was analyzed the clinical patron of the NAC microbiologically documented compare to with the not documented. In the same way, the documented was divided in typical and not typical according to the microorganisms aisled. Besides was realized an statistic study using tables of contingency and test Fisher.
Results: It was studied 409 patients with NAC, from which 161 (39.6%) had microbiological documentation, it was found 119 micro organism typical and 42 atypical. On the one hand, the female sex, EPOC, fever, tos and purulence esputum and hyperglucaemia, were associated significantly with the documented NAC. The presence of cardiopaty, seriously initial clinical situation, gastrointestinal disorders and previous infections and use of antibiotics, were associated with not documented. The age more than 65 years, presence of comorbility, purulence sputum, pleural pain, toghether with VSG>50 and lobar infiltrate, were associated significantly to typical pneumonia, while tabaquical habit and extrapulmonary sintoms (artromialgias) were with the atypical.
Conclusions: The knowledge of the clinical patrons of the NAC are great impact in the diagnostic and treatment antibiotic adecuate.