We have developed an assay system suitable for assessment of compound action on the Edg4 subtype of the widely expressed lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-responsive Edg receptor family. Edg4 was stably overexpressed in the rat hepatoma cell line Rh 7777, and a Ca(2+)-based FLIPR assay developed for measurement of functional responses. In order to investigate the mechanisms linking Edg4 activation to cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation, we have also studied LPA signalling in a human neuroblastoma cell line that endogenously expresses Edg4. LPA responses displayed similar kinetics and potency in the two cell lines. The Ca(2+) signal generated by activation of LPA-sensitive receptors in these cells is mediated primarily by endoplasmic reticulum. However, there is a substantial inhibition of the LPA response by FCCP, indicating that mitochondria also play a key role in the LPA response. Partial inhibition of the response by cyclosporin A could indicate an active Ca(2+) release role for mitochondria in the LPA response. The inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor antagonist 2-aminoethyl diphenyl borate markedly inhibits, but does not abolish, the Ca(2+) response to LPA, suggesting further complexity to the signalling pathways activated by Edg receptors. In comparing Edg signalling in recombinant and native cells, there is a striking overall similarity in receptor expression pattern, agonist potency, and the effect of modulators on the Ca(2+) response. This indicates that the Edg4-overexpressing Rh7777 cell line is a very useful model system for studying receptor pharmacology and signalling mechanisms, and for investigating the Edg4 receptor's downstream effects.