Aim of the study: To evaluate the prognostic importance of hepatic encefalopathy and monitoring of transaminase, total and conjugated bilirubine, synthetic liver functions in hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis.
Patients and methods: At the Intensive Metabolic Care Unit of 1st Department of Internal Medicine, we evaluated 150 patients (87 males, 63 females) with liver cirrhosis at average age: 52.51 +/- 7.99 years, Child-Pugh score: 11.34 +/- 2.99. 47 patients had died during hospitalization, 103 patients have improved. Student t-test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: The patients who expired had significantly higher serum levels of transaminase, total and conjugated bilirubin during the treatment and higher grade of hepatic encefalopathy. Synthetic liver functions were significantly decreased in the group of the expired patients. In patients who died during hospitalization was observed the tendency to increasing of total and conjugated bilirubine and to decreasing of synthehic liver functions.
Conclusion: Mortality rate of the hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis depends on the degree of impairment of the liver functions and its potential improvement during hospitalization. (Tab. 8, Ref. 24.).