Although in both human and experimental pathology ras mutations have been related to the origin and progression of follicular-cell tumours, reports differ considerably with respect to the frequency of such mutations. The present paper reports, using direct sequencing, the incidence of Ki-ras mutations (codons 12 and 13) in follicular-cell carcinomas of the thyroid gland in Wistar rats induced by administration of radioactive iodine and potassium perchlorate. Direct sequencing revealed no mutations in the amplified gene segment of any of the 72 carcinoma samples studied. This absence of mutations agrees with some and is in sharp contrast with other previous reports in the literature, both for experimental animals and in studies of human thyroid follicular-cell carcinoma. Our results suggest that Ki-ras activation via mutations at codons 12 and 13 is neither a constant event nor an early event in the development of rat thyroid follicular-cell carcinoma.