The adaptor protein (AP) 3 adaptor complex has been implicated in the transport of lysosomal membrane proteins, but its precise site of action has remained controversial. Here, we show by immuno-electron microscopy that AP-3 is associated with budding profiles evolving from a tubular endosomal compartment that also exhibits budding profiles positive for AP-1. AP-3 colocalizes with clathrin, but to a lesser extent than does AP-1. The AP-3- and AP-1-bearing tubular compartments contain endocytosed transferrin, transferrin receptor, asialoglycoprotein receptor, and low amounts of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor and the lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) 1 and 2. Quantitative analysis revealed that of these distinct cargo proteins, only LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 are concentrated in the AP-3-positive membrane domains. Moreover, recycling of endocytosed LAMP-1 and CD63 back to the cell surface is greatly increased in AP-3-deficient cells. Based on these data, we propose that AP-3 defines a novel pathway by which lysosomal membrane proteins are transported from tubular sorting endosomes to lysosomes.