Bronchopulmonary dysplasia remains a frequent complication of extreme prematurity. In preterm neonates catch-up and pulmonary alveolar growth occur during the first two years of life. However 10 to 25% of preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia are under-nourished after two years of age, and 30 to 60% of them also suffer from persistent airway obstruction, hyperinflation and bronchial hyperreactivity. Recommendations on nutritional requirements in this population are not yet clearly defined, but an adequate nutritional status in prenatal and early postnatal period can have long-term consequences on brain and lung development. There are a few randomised trial of nutrition for preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia after discharge. Caloric and protein requirements in this population are probably higher than in full-term infants. Moreover there are potential benefits in using specific nutrients: supplementation with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids could decrease lung inflammation injuries, glutamine is the main source of energy of pneumocyte, vitamin A is essential for lung development, inositol is necessary for surfactant synthesis, vitamin E and selenium have anti-oxidant effects. Controlled nutritional trial are needed with a long term follow-up in late childhood in order to test their effects on growth and pulmonary status.