Pulsed tissue Doppler can measure myocardial velocities with high temporal resolution. Our aim was to determine the onset timing of the regional left ventricular longitudinal early lengthening (e) in relation to the mitral inflow (E) in acute coronary syndromes. We applied pulsed tissue Doppler to the septal, lateral, inferior, and anterior left ventricular basal walls of 160 patients with acute coronary syndromes and 60 control subjects. Maximum systolic and early diastolic velocities were lower for patient than for control walls (6.1 +/- 1.7 vs 7.9 +/- 1.4 cm/s, P <.0001, and 6.9 +/- 2.3 vs 10.0 +/- 2.3 cm/s, P <.0001, respectively) and e started later than E (12 +/- 30 vs 2 +/- 19 milliseconds later, P <.0001). All 3 variables related to the degree of visual left ventricular wall pathology. The intraindividual time range for all 4 e starts was wider for patients (43 +/- 27 vs 30 +/- 18 milliseconds, P <.0001). Our results show that pulsed tissue Doppler can identify a delayed and asynchronous initial wall lengthening in acute coronary syndromes.