Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has been accepted as the method of choice for most upper urinary tract calculi. However, in cases of stones in the lower ureter, ureteroscopic procedures have generally been preferred. Using the Dornier HM3 lithotriptor with modifications in the patient's position, we were able to successfully treat 155 unselected cases of lower ureteral calculi. The average stone size was 9.6 mm (range 5-23 mm). One hundred forty-three patients had stones located below the lower margin of the sacroiliac joint. These patients were placed in a supine position. The stones were visualized radiologically without use of a ureteral catheter in 78 percent of the patients; in 22 percent a ureteral catheter was inserted prior to ESWL to aid in stone localization. In 145 patients (94%) treatment was completed in one session; 10 patients (6%) required two sessions. Of the patients, 38 percent were free of stones one day after ESWL; 97 percent became stone free within three months, and only 3 patients required endoscopic manipulation, after ESWL. Twelve patients had stones in the midureter overlying the sacroileum. They were placed in the prone position, and the calculi were visualized with the aid of a ureteral catheter. All these patients became free of stones one month after treatment. There were no significant treatment-related complications except for bacteremia in 1 case. In view of the remarkable efficacy, negligible complication rate, and shorter hospital stay as compared to ureteroscopic stone manipulations, we recommend high energy ESWL as the primary monotherapy of mid and lower ureteral stones.