The goal of the study was to check and compare the current condition of students' knowledge on civilization-related diseases in relation to their future career as doctors, dentists, health care managers. The questionnaire consisted of 15 closed questions concerning civilization-related diseases. As opposed to majority of studies referring to this problem uniform method of assessment in accordance with the principles of didactic measurement was applied. The following test components were measured: Range, Mode, Median, Arithmetic Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, Task Simplicity, Task Complexity, Reliability. Calculations were carried out using our own updated Excel programme. Study group consisted of 104 III year students of Division of Dentistry, 116 students of IV year Division of Dentistry, 31 students of Licentiate Faculty of Emergency Medicine in Zabrze, 18 students of Postgraduate Course in Management and Administration in Health Care Medical Faculty in Zabrze and Technical University in Gliwice, 151 IV year students of Medical Faculty in Zabrze and 121 VI year students of Medical Faculty in Zabrze. Significant differences between individual groups (surprisingly low level among future managers of health care) as well as different degree of difficulty of questions depending on the faculty and the year of study.