Purpose: To investigate Gd-DTPA kinetics as indicators of subacute and subchronic histopathological changes following focused ultrasound (FUS) thermal therapy for improved evaluation.
Materials and methods: A total of 18 FUS lesions were created in the thigh muscle of five rabbits under magnetic resonance (MR) guidance at 1.5 Tesla. The rabbits were killed at different times: 40 hours, three days, and seven days. All lesions were analyzed histologically. An analysis of the uptake kinetics of Gd-DTPA, injected within two hours postheating and before sacrifice, was performed. The resulting kinetic maps, permeability (K(trans)) and leakage space (v(e)), were correlated to T(2)-weighted MR and histology.
Results: Images of K(trans) and v(e) better differentiate subacute and subchronic changes not visible on conventional MR in the days following therapy and are consistent with the histopathology observed. In particular, the border between nonviable and viable tissue is well demarcated. The extent of damage is best indicated on v(e), whereas the borders of inflammation are shown on K(trans). The total lesion extent is relatively stable over the 7 days posttherapy and can be predicted by v(e) or T(2)-weighted MR at early times after heating.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that Gd-DTPA kinetics can complement conventional MR for improved evaluation of FUS thermal therapy by providing finer differentiation of necrotic states, inflammation, and repair processes.
Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.