A Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) was established in 1998 by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (Update of X-ray and gamma-ray Decay Data Standards for Detector Calibration and Other Applications), in order to improve further the recommended decay data used to undertake efficiency calibrations of gamma-ray detectors. Participants in this CRP reviewed and modified the list of radionuclides most suited for detector efficiency calibration, and also considered the decay-data needs for safeguards, waste management, dosimetry, nuclear medicine, material analysis and environmental monitoring. Overall, 62 radionuclides were selected for decay-data evaluation, along with four parent-daughter combinations and two natural decay chains. gamma-ray emissions from specific nuclear reactions were also included to extend the calibrant energy well beyond 10 MeV. A significant number of these decay-data evaluations have been completed, and an IAEA-TECDOC report and database are in the process of being assembled for planned completion by the end of 2003.