Objective: To evaluate the clinical significance of interactions between anticonvulsant and antiretroviral agents and provide recommendations regarding their concurrent use.
Data sources: A PubMed search (1966 to April 2003) was conducted using individual anticonvulsant and antiretroviral drug names and the following key search terms: anticonvulsant, antiepileptic, antiretroviral, protease inhibitor, and pharmacokinetic. Abstracts from scientific meetings that pertained to drug interactions were manually reviewed.
Study selection and data extraction: All articles identified by the PubMed search were examined. Articles and abstracts from scientific meetings with relevant information were included.
Data synthesis: Six case reports were identified that describe interactions between anticonvulsant agents and protease inhibitors. In several reports, carbamazepine serum concentrations increased by approximately two- to threefold with concurrent ritonavir, resulting in carbamazepine-related toxicity. Carbamazepine was also associated with loss of viral suppression when combined with indinavir. Phenytoin serum concentrations were decreased with nelfinavir in a patient who developed recurrent seizures. The effect of ritonavir on phenytoin was variable; a 30% reduction in phenytoin serum concentration occurred in one patient, while no apparent change was observed in another. Interactions with nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors are poorly characterized because existing data involve concurrent protease inhibitor therapy. The utility of newer anticonvulsant agents is explored. Experience with newer anticonvulsant agents in 2 patients at our site is also described.
Conclusions: Limited data exist regarding interactions between anticonvulsant and antiretroviral agents. Valproic acid and newer anticonvulsant agents may provide useful alternatives to first-generation agents. Clinicians need to be diligent when monitoring for anticonvulsant-antiretroviral interactions because of the potential for toxicity, loss of seizure control, and incomplete viral suppression.