In order to restore anal sphincteric function, artificial AMS sphincter was used with his 3 components: the peri-intestinal cuff giving anal sphincter tone, the pump used for active opening and the pressure regulating balloon. In the same fashion a continent valve may be created on an intestinal segment as a part of a reconstructed bladder. In this case the pump may be replace by a subcutaneous port allowing fluid injection to adjust volume and pressure in the cuff. Two patients with fecal incontinence related to sequela of a high imperforate anus syndrome were implanted. Follow-up is greater than 1 year with normal continence in the day for the first case (degree 2) and continence day and night in the second case. Artificial valve has been implanted in seven cases of neobladder pouch (or related situations), with in 4 cases very good results and in 3 cases a failure (Follow-up 3-36 months).