We measured by thoracic bioimpedance (BoMed, NCCOM3-R7) non invasive cardiac index (CI), stroke index (SI) and systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) in 48 hypertensive patients (OMS) compared to 30 normotensive. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) and the SVRI were significantly higher in the hypertensive group while the CI are significantly lower, as that was shown in previous invasive studies. We found an inverse correlation between age and CI (r = -.30, p < or = .05) in relation with a negative correlation between SI and age (r = -.35, p < or = .05) and no correlation between heart rate and age. Furthermore we divided normotensive and hypertensive patients in three groups of CI (low CI < 2.8 l/min/m2, 2.8 < or = normal CI < or = 4.2 l/min/m2, high CI > 4.2 l/min/m2) and in three groups of SVRI (low SVRI < 1660 Flohms/m2, 1660 < or = normal SVRI < or = 2580 Flohms/m2, high SVRI > 2580 Flohms/m2). Despite CI diminution in hypertension, high CI percentage's was the same in normotensive and hypertensive patients. In conclusion, these results confirm previous studies by using a simple, easy, non invasive and reproducible method.