Objective: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of a tunica albuginea dorsal plication technique for treating congenital and acquired penile curvature.
Patients and methods: We retrospectively evaluated 83 patients (median age 1.8 years) who had their penile curvature corrected surgically using dorsal tunica albuginea plication between 1992 and 2002. The results were evaluated objectively using a pharmacological erection test or subsequently based either on the parents' reports or patients' self-assessment. The median (range) follow-up was 6 (0.7-10) years.
Results: Seventy (84%) patients had penile plication as an integral part of hypospadias repair, while the remaining 13 (16%) with a normal urethra had dorsal plication only. Twenty-eight (34%) of the 83 patients had an erection test during a repeat hypospadias repair or closure of a urethrocutaneous fistula; 22 of these had a straight penis, while the remaining six required additional plication for a satisfactory cosmetic outcome. Parents of 45 (54%) children reported that their child had a normal erection with no chordee during the follow-up. Ten (12%) adult patients reported straight erections enabling satisfactory penetration and sensation during sexual intercourse. None of the patients reported penile shortening or erectile dysfunction after surgery, and none had recurrent curvature during the follow-up. There was no difference in the results between patients with congenital or acquired penile curvature.
Conclusions: Dorsal plication of the tunica albuginea is a simple and effective method in the long term for correcting congenital and acquired penile curvature.