A 2D multislice spin-lock (MS-SL) MR pulse sequence is presented for rapid volumetric T1rho-weighted imaging. Image quality is compared with T1rho-weighted data collected using a single-slice (SS) SL sequence and T2-weighted data from a standard MS spin-echo (SE) sequence. Saturation of longitudinal magnetization by the application of nonselective SL pulses is experimentally measured and theoretically modeled as T2rho decay. The saturation data is used to correct the image data as a function of the SL pulse duration to make quantitative measurements of T1rho. Measurements of T1rho using the saturation-corrected MS-SL data are nearly identical to those measured using an SS-SL sequence. The MS-SL sequence produces quantitative T1rho maps of an entire sample volume with the high-SNR advantages conferred by SE-based sequences.
Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.