Objective: To assess blood lead levels and lead exposure factors in children living in Morelos State, Mexico.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between June and October 1996, in 232 children aged 1-12 years, at Hospital del Niño Morelense de Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. Blood lead levels were measured by anodic voltameter, and exposure factors were collected by questionnaire. The lead concentration value was log transformed for statistical analysis. Odds ratios were obtained for some risk factors. The statistical significative risk factors were later analyzed with ANOVA.
Results: A total of 232 children were recruited (50% female); 73% resided in Cuernavaca City. The geometric mean blood lead level was 6.7 micrograms/dl; 29.7% of the children had levels over 10 micrograms/dl; 66% reported use of lead glazed pottery for cooking, 36% for storing food, and 19% for drinking.
Conclusions: Blood lead levels were similar to those reported in other Mexican children studies, after the reduction of lead in gasoline. The main risk factors were use of lead glazed pottery and vehicle traffic intensity near the household. These results will be useful for future prevention and control interventions. This paper is available too at: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html.