The distributions of calbindin D-28K (CaBP) and parvalbumin (PV) in the rat nucleus olfactorius anterior (NOA) were described using monoclonal antibodies and the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method. The NOA showed a high immunoreactivity for CaBP, with a rostrocaudal increase in the positive neurons and fibres. Pars externa (NOAe) was the only subdivision which showed a low CaBP immunostaining. PV-positive elements were less abundant than those CaBP immunostained. The main difference in the distributions for both proteins was observed in the pars medialis which was practically PV negative. PV- and CaBP-stained neurons showed similar morphologies in the subdivisions where they were present. In NOAe, we observed a characteristic PV- and CaBP-positive neuronal type, with an oriented dendritic pattern. Transition areas were clearly observable in both CaBP- and PV-labelled sections.